for Control Education Highlight Sessions

Educational environment has drastically changed since the advent of Internet and computers, e.g., a rapid transition from classroom teaching to e-Learning.

Control education can greatly benefit from such changes, as the new technologies provide access to more learning opportunities and generate greater interests in the field of control engineering.

In this regard, the 17th IFAC World Congress will highlight the area of new educational environment and its impact on effective control education both on undergraduate and graduate levels of study. For a thorough and productive program, papers on the following aspects of control education are being solicited:

1.   Simulation tools, control software, and experimental equipments for control education. Topics related to the following categories are welcomed:

2.   Virtual laboratory, remote experiments, and internet-based experiments for control education. Topics related to the following categories are welcomed:

3.   Web-based learning, e-Learning, b-Learning, computer-aided instructions, and control course contents. Topics related to the following categories are welcomed:

Besides the ones listed above, any other topics of particular experiences or aspects on control education are also welcomed.

Call for Papers for
Control Education Highlight Sessions

IFAC World Congress 2008