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Visa Information
Each foreign visitor wishing to enter the Republic of Korea should have a valid passport and a visa.
Nationals of the following countries can enter Korea without a visa for travelling purposes.

Countries Except from Visas

Under Visa Exception Agreements

Designated Coutnries Allowed to Enter Korea without A Visa

D = Dipolmat Passport Holder Only

O = Official Passport Holder Only


Albania (30 days) Fiji (30 days) Luxembourg (30 days) Samoa (30 days)
Algeria (D/O; 90 days) Finland (30 days) Macao (30 days) San Marino (30 days)
Andorra (30 days) France (30 days) Malaysia (90 days) Saudi Arabia (30 days)
Antigua and Barbuda (30 days) Germany (30 days) Malta (30 days) Serbia (30 days)
Arab Emirates (30 days) Greece (30 days) Marshall Islands (30 days) Seychelles (30 days)
Argentina (30 days) Grenada (90 days) Mauritius (30 days) Singapore (90 days)
Australia (90 days) Guam (30 days) Mexico (30 days) Slovakia (30 days)
Austria (30 days) Guatemala (90 days) Micronesia (30 days) Slovenia (90 days)
Bahamas (90 days) Guyana (30 days) Monaco (30 days) Solomon Islands (30 days)
Bangladesh (90 days) Haiti (90 days) Montenegro (30 days) South Africa (30 days)
Barbados (90 days) Herzegovina (30 days) Morocco (30 days) Spain (30 days)
Belgium (30 days) Honduras (30 days) Nauru (30 days) Suriname?(30 days)
Belize (D/O; 90 days) Hong Kong (90 days) Negara Brunei Darussalam (30 days) Swaziland (30 days)
Benin (D/O; 90 days) Hungary (30 days) Newcaledonia (30 days) Sweden (30 days)
Bosnia (30 days) Iceland (30 days) Nicaragua (30 days) Switzerland (30 days)
Brazil (30 days) India (D/O; 90 days) Norway (30 days) Taiwan (30 days)
Bulgaria (30 days) Indonesia (D/O; 30 days) Oman (30 days) Thailand (90 days)
Cambodia (D/O; 60 days) Iran (D/O; 3 months) Pakistan (D/O; 3 months) The Netherlands
Canada (6 months) Ireland (30 days) Palau (30 days) Trinidad and Tobago (30 days)
Chile (30 days) Israel (30 days) Panama (90 days) Tunisia (30 days)
Columbia (90 days) Italy (30 days) Paraguay (30 days) Turkey (30 days)
Commonwealth of Dominica (90 days) Jamaica (90 days) Peru (90 days) Ukraine (D; 90 days)
Costa Rica (90 days) Japan (D/O; 3 months) Philippines (D/O) United Kingdom (30 days)
Croatia (30 days) Kazakhstan (D/O; 90 days) Poland (30 days) United States (30 days)
Cyprus (30 days) Kiribati (30 days) Portugal ( 60 days) Uruguay (30 days)
Czech Republic (30 days) Kuwait (30 days) Qatar (30 days) Venezuela (30 days)
Denmark (30 days) Latvia (30 days) Roman Curia (30 days) Venezuela (D/O; 30 days)
Dominican Republic (90 days) Lebanon (D/O; 30 days) Romania (30 days) Vietnam (D/O; 90 days)
Ecuador (30 days) Lesotho (60 days) Russia (D/O; 90 days) Yemen (30 days)
Egypt (30 days) Liberia (30 days) Saint Kitts and Nevis (30 days)  
El Salvador (30 days) Liechtenstein (30 days) Saint Lucia (30 days)  
Estonia (30 days) Lithuania (30 days) Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (30 days)  
Applying for Visa

Visitors who need a Korean visa must obtain it before arriving in Korea.
Applications should be submitted to Korean Embassies or consulates outside of Korea.
Applicants must submit their passport, application, a color photograph for passport taken within six months, and a confirmation letter issued by IFAC '08.
Letter of Invitation: The official Letter of Invitation will be created upon your final submission. Once you upload the final submission, the letter will be automatically generated for you to download. Please enter the submission site https://ifac.papercept.net/conferences/ and log in, then choose the option "Request an acceptance letter" in your Workspace. It will ask you to provide your passport information. Once finished, the letter will be created in a PDF format. If you are requesting the letter for visa, please ask the Korea Embassy in your country if this document will be sufficient. If you need any additional documents for your visa, please contact the Secretariat upon registration.
Download Visa Application

For more information, please vist the following websites:
Immigration Bureau: http://www.immigration.go.kr/indeximmeng.html
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade: http://www.mofat.go.kr/me/me_a006/me_b025/me06_01.jsp

Arrival Information
Arrival → Quarantine Regulations → Immigration → Baggage Claim → Customs Clearance

Quarantine Regulations
Visitors to Korea are not required to provide vaccination documents. All visitors and flight crews that arrive in Korea from regions where cholera, yellow fever, bubonic plague, and SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) have been detected may be required to complete a quarantine questionnaire. All visitors that arrive in Korea with livestock, other animals, plants or other forms of vegetation are required to present a quarantine certificate from the exporting country to the National Veterinary Research and Quarantine Service or National Plant Quarantine Service.

Each visitor who arrives in Korea must present his/her passport and an E/D card to an immigration officer in order to be admitted to the country.

Baggage Claim
Visitors traveling by air may pick up their luggage in the baggage-claim area, which is located on the first floor of Incheon International Airport. After claiming their baggage, the visitors should proceed to the customs clearance. If you cannot locate your luggage on the designated carousel for your flight, please file a report immediately at the Lost-and-Found Counter.

Customs Clearance
If you have goods to declare, proceed to the customs area and fill out a Customs Declaration Form. Customs officers will answer any questions you may have and can assist you in filling out the form. If you have no goods subject to declaration, proceed through customs and notify a customs officer that you have nothing to declare. It is not necessary for you to fill out a Customs Declaration Form.

In case you bring in professional equipment (camera, computer, etc.), we recommend that you submit 2 copies of documents including your Name, Date of Birth, Passport Number, Country of Citizenship, Date of Entry, Flight Number, Date of Departure, Equipment Name, standard measurement, quantity, and price in order to make customs formalities easier and faster.

Goods Subject to Customs Declaration
      Korean or foreign currencies of value over USD10,000
      Goods purchased or acquired from overseas that exceed USD400 in total value
      More than one bottle (less than 1 ℓ and USD400 value) of alcohol
      More than 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250g tobacco products other than cigarettes.
      More than 2 ounces of perfume
      (Please note that all alcohol and tobacco carried by passengers under the age of 19 will be reported to a customs officer.)

Restricted Goods
Firearms, weapons, and ammunitions, all drugs and psychotropic substance, animals, plants, fruit, and vegetables, food stuff and agricultural, dairy and fishery products. Protected wild life under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), and products and souvenirs made from protected wild life.

Prohibited Goods
Goods which will reveal confidential information of the government or which can be used for intelligence activities.
Goods which may either disturb constitutional order or are harmful to public health or virtuous national custom.
Coins, currency, bank notes, debenture and/or other negotiable instrument counterfeited, forged, or imitated.

For more information, please refer to the following websites.
Incheon International Airport: http://www.airport.or.kr/Eng/home.jsp
Customs Service: http://www.customs.go.kr/eng/
Immigration Service: http://www.immigration.go.kr/indeximmeng.html
Quarantine Service: http://nqs.cdc.go.kr/english/

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