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Guidelines for Submission

Authors are invited to submit individual contributions for regular papers, survey papers, industrial papers, and/or case study papers in any of the IFAC Technical areas (see also the Keyword List for 17th IFAC World Congress). The Congress also solicits invited session proposals, which should focus on well-defined subjects. It is also invited to submit Highlight session papers and Video clips for Video sessions. For further details, refer to the following:

Conference Paper Format
Contributed Papers (Regular, Survey, Case Study, and Industrial Papers)
More on Industrial Papers
Invited Session Proposals and Invited Papers
Video Sessions
Highlight Sessions
Pre-Congress Tutorials and Workshops
Nominations for Prizes
Poster Specifications


The submitted paper must be original, unpublished and must not be considered for publication elsewhere. All papers, video clips and invited session proposals must be submitted electronically using the IFAC Conference Manuscript Management System (CMMS). All submissions must be written in English, and only PDF files are accepted. All papers must be prepared in a new IFAC Conference Paper Format. The copyrights of all papers and video clips are transferred to IFAC, which is done electronically, when the submission of the camera-ready form of accepted papers is completed.


For further questions, please contact the corresponding Technical Area Chair, or the secretariat ().



Conference Paper Format top


IFAC World Congress 2008 uses a new IFAC Conference Paper Format.


Two templates files for LaTeX and MS-Word/Open Office are provided at

Guide for LaTeX: http://ifac.papercept.net/conferences/support/tex.php
Guide for MS-Word/Open Office: http://ifac.papercept.net/conferences/support/word.php
To download the files directly, use the following links:

LaTeX Template: http://ifac.papercept.net/conferences/support/files/ifacconf_latex.zip
MS-Word/Open Office Template: http://ifac.papercept.net/conferences/support/files/ifacconf_office.zip
Contributed Papers top

Authors are invited to submit individual contributions as a regular paper, survey paper, case study paper, or brief industrial paper*. All papers will be included in the CD-ROM distributed at the Congress. However, brief industrial papers will not be included in the archived electronic publication, IFAC-PapersOnLine.net, which is published after the Congress. Page limits for each paper type are given in the table below:

Paper Type
Allowed Page
Time for Lecture
Time for Poster
Regular paper
6 pages
20 min
2 hours
Survey paper
12 pages
40 min
2 hours
Case study paper
8 pages
20 min
2 hours
Brief Industrial paper
2 pages*
20 min
2 hours


Up to three extra pages will be allowed in both initial and final submission. However, there will be a mandatory charge of 100 USD per page for extra pages for the final submission.


* A brief industrial paper is a 2-page extended abstract that may include equations and figures. More details are given in the guideline for brief industrial papers.

Authors must submit a full draft paper (i.e., 2, 6, 8, and 12 pages suitable for the paper type) in a PDF format to IFAC CMMS. Authors are asked to choose the type of paper and preferred presentation style at the initial submission stage. The type and presentation type might be altered according to congress scheduling. No quality ranking will be implied by the presentation types.


All papers will undergo a peer review process, which will be handled by the Congress Technical Editors and Associate Editors. At the initial submission stage, authors are asked to identify keywords defined within the general framework of IFAC Technical Areas. Very detailed keyword choices are provided in the List of Keywords.


More on Industrial Papers top



Industrial contributions are strongly encouraged for the 2008 IFAC World Congress. An industrial participant has the choice of submitting a regular 6-page paper (a “regular paper”) or a shorter 2-page extended abstract (“brief industrial paper”). A brief industrial paper may be a regular contribution, or a part of invited/highlight sessions.



In 2006, the IFAC Council has authorized a new paper policy to increase industrial participation at all IFAC conferences. This policy allows the 2008 Congress to accept a brief 2-page industrial paper, for the first time in the IFAC World Congress history. This section explains pertinent features and definitions of the 2-page “brief industrial paper”. Please note that no product or company advertisements will be allowed.



The brief industrial paper is intended for industrial researchers, who may currently have very little time to write a full 6-page regular paper but want to participate in the Congress. A paper must satisfy certain conditions, which are explained in the below, to be categorized as a brief industrial paper. A brief industrial paper will also go through a peer review, but the review scale will be different than the 6-page regular papers. The 2-page paper will be included in the CD-ROM distributed at the Congress, but not in the post-Congress electronic archive, IFAC-PapersOnLine.net.



To qualify as a brief industrial paper, both the first author and corresponding author must be from industry, and the paper must be characterized by at least one of the following attributes:


  • description of advanced modeling/control/automation methods (approach) that have been recently and successfully applied and have given new value to the quality, safety, robustness, cost of installation, running and maintenance cost, lifetime, etc. of the installation
  • the installation is not a laboratory test bench but is used by the (anonymous) customer on a regular basis
  • application, research and development (R&D), and innovation activities
  • description of open problems and issues related to the lack of existing methodologies/technologies related to automatic control
  • description of visions relevant to industrial applications
Invited Session Proposals and Invited Papers top

Invited sessions are solicited within the topical themes of the IFAC Technical Areas, Highlight Program Topics, or across a multiple number of Technical Areas. Anyone can organize invited sessions; however, it is highly recommended to contact the appropriate IFAC Technical Area Chairman to check for a potential conflict with other planned sessions (Please note: if your Submission Category is "Highlight Session", please contact IFAC WC'08 Secretariat at instead).


It is encouraged that several invited sessions dealing with the same topic be proposed together. In this case, the title of the sessions will be designated as the same, but with a numeric distinction, and they will be scheduled in a series at the same conference room. In the case of an invited session organizer proposing several sessions on different topics, these sessions may not be scheduled serially or in the same conference room. Please try not to include more than two papers from the same presenter in a given invited session. Also, please note that depending on the review results, other contributed papers may be inserted in an invited session.  


An invited session is allocated 120 minutes and is of the lecture type. It may be composed of six papers with each 20-minute time slots, or one keynote paper with a 40-minute slot and four papers of 20 minutes each. The invited session's keynote should address a broader topic of the session, for example, an address concerning emerging trends as well as recent developments. Note that a keynote paper can be a 12-page survey of the invited session(s) topics, or a regular 6-page paper worthy of a session keynote.


Invited Session Type
Page Limit
Without Keynote

6 regular papers
and/or brief industrial papers

(a mix is allowed)

Regular paper: 6

Brief industrial paper: 2
120 min
With Keynote
5 papers: 1 session keynote paper and 4 regular papers and/or brief industrial papers (a mix is allowed)

Session Keynote: 6 or 12
Regular paper: 6

Brief industrial paper: 2
120 min


The submission procedure for invited session(s) is as follows:


Before submission, the session organizer must assemble 5 or 6 papers.



The organizer should submit invited session proposal including the session title, a related IFAC Technical Area or Highlight Program Topic, a brief session description, and the list of papers (title, authors and affiliations). Submission should be made using the "Invited session proposal" link in the IFAC CMMS.



After submitting the proposal, the organizer will receive a unique Session Code via email which is automatically issued by IFAC CMMS. The organizer should inform the Session Code to the authors of the invited session, who needs to enter the code in order to submit their papers.


- Invited papers submitted using the code will also be reviewed. The first keyword, that the organizer chooses electronically when the initial submission is made, is used to assign to the corresponding technical area or highlight program area. (The keyword selected by the individual author is overridden in the system.)

For a guided tour of submission procedure, please click: SubmissionExerciseInvitedSession.pdf
Video Sessions top
Video session is introduced as a new program of the 17th IFAC World Congress. Congress participants are invited to submit videos covering the whole topics of the IFAC, including the following areas:
- New and significant experimental results and demonstrations for the control area
- Industrial case studies in control applications
- Control education
- Robotics
- Bio and ecological systems
- Intelligent Transportation systems
- Manufacturing systems

There will be about three video sessions in the type of a regular technical session. Authors of accepted videos will show their videos but will also have the opportunity to give a presentation to briefly explain their work and answer questions in person. The accepted videos will be published in DVD and will be available during and after the Congress. Please note that no video submission can be of commercial purposes.

Video submissions should include the following:
- The title of the video
- The name and affiliation of the presenter with contact information
- A 1-page abstract as a single PDF file
- A maximum 3-minute video file with MPEG format (less than 100 MB)

The submission procedure is as follows:
- Authors must submit an abstract and a video file to IFAC CMMS (use "Video session submission" link).
- The abstracts and videos will be reviewed by the video session committee.
- A prize for the Best Video Prize will be awarded during the Congress.

The video guidelines include the following:
- A good video should be dynamic and should contain information that cannot be easily conveyed in a paper. The display of flow charts, block diagrams, circuit boards, computers, or monitors is discouraged.
- The length should be appropriate to its content. In any case, a submission should never exceed 3 minutes.
- Narration is important and is a must. Ideas should be expressed without jargon, and music and background noise that interfere with the narration should be avoided.
- Evaluation criteria: technical relevance, quality, and contributions and video and audio quality as presented above in the guidelines.

- Authors of accepted videos will present their works at the video sessions. The allowed time slot for each video is 20 minutes.

For further inquiry, contact Video Session Editor, Wan Kyun Chung, .

Highlight Sessions top

The 17th IFAC World Congress technical program will be highlighted with recent developments in control fields. The particular fields in the below have been chosen to emphasize some of the most interesting industries in Korea. In addition to these industrial programs, Control Education has been chosen as another highlight topic for its importance in all control fields. As Korea's major corporations will be interacting with the Congress participants from the rest of the world, this will be a great opportunity to establish global connections with these leading Korean companies.


Highlight program organizers are designated as Congress Highlight-program Editors (CHE), and they will handle the reviews and decisions related to the highlight sessions. The CHE listing and corresponding areas are listed in the below:


Automation in Steel Industry
CHE: Sangchul Won,

Professor, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Director, Steel Processing Automation Research Center

Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) (KR)


Automation in Semiconductor, Display and Electronics Industry
CHE: Ji Oh Song,

Senior Executive Vice President

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (KR)  


Control Technology in Automotive Industry
CHE: Woong-chul Yang,

Senior Vice President

Hyundai Motor Co., Ltd. (KR)


Automation in Shipbuilding
CHE: Choong Dong Lee,
Vice President

Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (KR)


Ubiquitous Robotic Companion
CHE: Bum-Jae You,
Director, Center for Cognitive Robotics

Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) (KR)


Life Care Intelligent Robot
CHE: Jae-Bok Song,

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Korea University (KR)


Control Education Call for Paper
CHE: Chul-Goo Kang,
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Konkuk University (KR)


Highlight program sessions are generally organized as invited sessions. A highlight program organizer (CHE’s and anyone pre-approved by a CHE) should first submit an invited session proposal following the same procedure defined for invited sessions. For the session Submission Category, select “H: Highlight Program” (see the image capture in the below). The organizer will receive a unique session code. Authors submitting a paper (regular, survey, or brief) to an invited highlight session need to enter this code in order to submit their contributions.




An unsolicited, individual author may submit a contribution to highlight sessions. Submission procedure and paper type are the same as the contributed papers. Choose the “H: Highlight Sessions” in the Submissions Category. Contributions under this category will be reviewed by one of the CHE’s, and if the paper is acceptable it will be assigned to a suitable highlight program session.


Pre-Congress Tutorials and Workshops top
Tutorials and workshops will be organized in conjunction with the 17th IFAC World Congress as a pre-congress program to be held at the COEX in Seoul on July 5-6, 2008. The organizers of pre-congress tutorials and workshops are strongly encouraged to submit their proposals focusing on:
up-to-date well-established techniques and their revival (refreshing/updating tutorials and workshops)
new and emerging topics in all aspects of the theory
new and emerging topics in all aspects of applications


of systems including systems and signals, design methods, computers, cognition and communication, mechatronics, robotics and components, manufacturing systems, industrial systems, transportation and vehicle systems, bio & ecological systems and social systems. Proposals for the pre-congress tutorials and workshops should be submitted to the IFAC CMMS no later than September 25, 2007 (extended from the original deadline of September 8, 2007). Acceptance notification will be sent on December 15, 2007.

Tutorial Submission
The tutorials are intended to be primarily "educational" and the major goal is to provide general coverage of the selected topics.
Tutorial notes are assumed to be distributed to the participants. The organizer of the tutorial will receive a percentage of the tutorial registration fees.
Tutorial organizers should provide the following:
- Title of the tutorial
- Name and affiliation of the organizer and tutors with contact information
- Tutorials can be held for one full day (6 hrs), one and a half-days (9 hrs), or two full days (12 hrs)
- Goal of the tutorial (one sentence)
- An abstract (250 to 350 words)
- Program topics to be followed
- Type of audience to be addressed (students, researchers, teachers, plant engineers, product developers, etc.)

Workshop Submission
Workshop notes are assumed to be distributed to the participants. The organizer of the workshop will receive a percentage of the workshop registration fees.
Workshop organizers should provide the following:
- Title of the workshop
- Name and affiliation of the organizer with contact information
- Workshops can be held for one full day (6 hrs), one and a half-days (9 hrs), or two full days (12 hrs)
- Goal of the workshop (one sentence)
- An abstract (250 to 350 words)
- Program topics to be followed
- Type of audience to be addressed (students, researchers, teachers, plant engineers, product developers, etc.)


Download: Tutorial and Workshop Proposal sample file (MS Word)


Nominations for Prize top

For the competitions of IFAC Congress Young Author Prize and Application Paper Prize, a nominating process is required. The Nomination Form is submitted through the IFAC CMMS. For more details, see IFAC Congress Prizes.


Poster Specifications top

Instruction for Poster Presentations

The presenter of each paper is provided with a board for display, and each presenter is requested to stand by his/her poster during the 2-hour session.

The board size is 950 mm horizontal and 1350 mm vertical, and a poster should be printed on one ISO216 A0 (841 mm x 1189 mm).


Using several smaller-sized sheets of paper that can fit in the same size area is acceptable, but less preferred.

In either case, all fonts should be printed sufficiently large for clear viewing.

More detailed instructions are listed in the below:

* Session Duration: 2 hours
* Location: Atlantic Hall, 3rd Floor
* Pre-session Preparation: All materials should be posted 20 minutes prior to the beginning of each poster session.
* During Poster Session:
At least one author should stand next to the poster to answer questions.
* Post-session Wrap up: After the session, posters must be cleared for subsequent sessions.
* Best Poster Paper Award: There will be a best poster paper award(s) given at the closing ceremony.
The criteria for selection will include paper contents as well as poster preparation

. Poster Specifications


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