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IFAC Awards
At the Opening Ceremony of IFAC Seoul 2008, the following awards will be presented:
- Giorgio Quazza Medal to Professor Graham Goodwin
- Nathaniel B. Nichols Medal to Professor Gerd Hirzinger


The Best Paper Prizes for the following IFAC Journals and Harold Chestnut Control Engineering Textbook Prize will be awarded during the Congress:

- Automatica
- Control Engineering Practice
- Journal of Process Control
- Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
- Mechatronics


The following Congress prizes will presented at the Closing Ceremony.

IFAC Congress Young Author Prize

This prize consists of a certificate and a monetary award of USD 1,000. The criteria include high technical quality and good presentation of results. All authors must be under 35 years of age on July 6, 2008 (i.e. born on or after July 7, 1972). A nomination form from a colleague, mentor, supervisor, or eligible author himself/herself should be submitted to IFAC CMMS.


Nomination Form Download: YAPNominationForm.doc / YAPNominationForm.pdf


IFAC Congress Application Paper Prize

This prize consists of a certificate and a monetary award of USD 1,000. The criteria include high technical quality and good presentation of the results in the area of control applications. A nomination form from a colleague or the author himself/herself should be submitted to IFAC CMMS. It is also possible for the reviewer to recommend during the reviewing process.


Nomination Form Download: APPNominationForm.doc / APPNominationForm.pdf


IFAC Congress Poster Paper Prize
This prize consists of a certificate and a monetary award of USD 1,000. A selection committee will nominate candidates. The criteria include high technical quality and good presentation.

IFAC Congress Best Video Prize
This prize consists of a certificate and a monetary award of USD 1,000. A selection committee will nominate candidates. The criteria include technical relevance, quality, contributions, and video and audio quality.

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