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Panel Discussions
Panel Discussion I
dot Organiser   Toshio Fukuda
dot Panelists   Sergej Fatikow, Stephanus Buttgenbach, Ning Xi, YoungHo Cho
dot Time, Date & Location   10:30 - 12:30, Thursday, July 10, 2008 I Room 401, Conference Center, 4th Floor
dot Title   Micro/Nano Manipulation
dot Contents    
  Micro and Nano manipulation is the cutting edge technolgy for the advanced technology, such as the precision engineering and manufacturing, medical bio life science. and can play important roles of the nano instrumentation, fabrication and assembly. There will be a lot of potentials to create many nano devices, such as sensors and actuators as well as nanomaterials and nanostructure also. It needs also nano imaging and nano scale precise control in real time. Thus the Micro and Nano manipulation will be the key technology for the R&D of the micro and nano related tasks and projects.
Panel Discussion II
dot Organisers   Ljubo Vlacic, Sebastien Dormido and Anthony Rossiter
dot Panelists   Frank Algower, Anthony Rossiter, Ramakalyan, Victor Becerra, Li Qiu, Graham Goodwin, James Whidbourne, Liu Guoping, Ljubo Vlacic, Sylviane Gentil
dot Time, Date & Location   16:30 - 18:30, Thursday, July 10, 2008 I Room 402, Conference Center, 4th Floor
dot Title   IFAC Control Resources (ICR) Initiative Discussion and Sharing Session at the 2008 IFAC World Congress
dot Contents

Recently, IFAC has introduced the IFAC Control Resources initiative which is envisaged to gradually generate a reputable control systems data base, one-stop internet shopping point able to provide a quality response to web based enquiries about control systems, their underpinning theories and applications.

The ICR will:
- serve future teaching and research needs of the community members;
- stimulate increased interest in control among young minds, students and young researchers;
- maintain the vitality of IFAC efforts in a manner attractive to its current members and the new generation;

In line with this vision, the current ICR Triumvirate Editor wishes to undertake broad consultation with the IFAC Community to:
- determine the most desired contents of the site and the way it should look like;
- raise the profile of the ICR site in the IFAC community and to make it highly sought after source of information on control; and
- encourage the IFAC members to share the outcomes from their own research and have their work either linked to the ICR web site or directly uploaded at the ICR site.

To kick start this initiative, within this session at the 2008 IFAC World Congress, we will provide opportunities for attendees to share and discuss educational resources with each other. If you would like to contribute to either the discussion or sharing, please contact

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