Dates: July 7 - 10 (Mon - Thu)
Time: 10:00-18:00
Location: Atlantic Hall, 3rd Floor
Each one of following robots will be demonstrated for one or two days of the Congress week. The detailed schedule will be announced onsite.
[ Participating Robots ]
Albert Hubo by KAIST
Albert HUBO was developed based on KAIST humanoid robot platform - 2 (KHR-2) under the sponsorship of the MOCIE (Ministry Of Commerce, Industry and Energy), and introduced to the public in January. 2005. It has hybrid features: those of a suit used in taekwondo, the Korean national sport, and of a space suit. Albert Hubo’s hybrid features show KAIST’s intention to follow tradition while at the same time aiming to be future-oriented.
EveR-1 by KITEC
The performance of the android, EveR-1, developed in KITECH (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology) will be demonstrated. The appearance of EveR-1 is based on Korean female. EveR-1's name is derived from the Biblical ‘Eve’ and the letter ‘R’ of robot. EveR-1 is not bipedal, but is capable of motion from her torso up.
POMI (Penguin rObot for Multimodal Interaction) is a five-senses-mounted emotional-expression robot that has been endowed with artificial intelligence and active reaction modules. POMI was developed by the U-Robot Research Division of ETRI and the hardware platform company GrandPort.
MAHRU is the world’s first network-based humanoid. It has been endowed with artificial intelligence through a network. Unlike other famous humanoids, such as ASIMO, MAHRU focuses on network-based intelligence by using the network infrastructure, where Korea has world-class strengths.
Seropi by KITEC
SEROPI (SErvice RObot Platform Initiative) has a human-friendly shape and working space for visitor guidance, running errands, and guarding in an official environment such as a human being. SEROPI has three DOFs (Degree Of Freedom) for the neck, waist, six DOFs for the two arms, and one DOF for the knee.
Robot Soccer Demonstration Game by FIRA (
There are several game categories for FIRA Cup including MiroSot, RoboSot, SimuroSot, and HuroSot under HuroCup. In the demonstration game, the middle-league MiroSot will compete against two teams: one from Sung Kyun Kwan University and another from KAIST. The 13th FIRA RoboWorld Cup 2008 will be held in Qingdao, China on July 22-25, 2008.
(Figure shows HanSaRam-VI for HuroSot)