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Plenary Speakers


Monday, July 7
Tuesday, July 8
Wednesday, July 9
Thursday, July 10
8:00 - 9:00am
9:00 - 10:00am
Click on the spaker's name for his biography and abstract of the speech.
Keh-Sik Min: Automation and Control Systems Technology in Korean
Shipbuilding Industry - The State of the Art and the Future Perspectives

Vice Chairman & CEO/CTO Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

B.S. 1965 Seoul National University
M.S. 1969,1970 Univ. of California, Berkeley, U.S.A.
Ph.D. 1978 M.I.T., U.S.A.

Litton Ship Systems, Boeing Co., Marine Division, Korea Research Institute of Ship and Ocean,
Daewoo Shipbuilding and Machinery Ltd., and
(From 1990) Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Awards (After 2000)
Presidential Award in Science and Technology(Woong-Bi-Jang), 2001,
Techno CEO in Korea Industrial Technology Association, 2004,
Korea Management Awards, 2005,
The Most Respectable CEO, 2006,
and CEO of the Year Award, 2007

Academic Activities
Life Member
The Society of Naval Architects of Korea, the Korean Academy of Science and Technology, and the Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (10th Chairman, 2004)

The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, the National Academy of Engineering of Korea, and the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology


Today’s shipbuilding industry has been gradually transformed to technology driven industry from labor intensive one due to the growing needs to meet environmental regulations on ship operations, increased technological requirements of the clients, and extremely enlarged size of vessels. On the other hand, the global market becomes severely competitive due to latecomers armed with cheaper labor and expanded production facilities. Under these circumstances, Korean shipbuilding companies are seeking effective ways to strengthen their competitiveness in quality, cost, and delivery, and ultimately to benefit the customers. To this end, not only researches on high value-added ships but also much R&D efforts on production automation and optimization of logistics are being conducted. Through these efforts they try to construct high quality ships and to reduce the term of production with increased productivity and reliability in ship-manufacturing processes. In order to accelerate technological discrimination over foreign competitors, Korean shipbuilders are endeavoring to develop automation technologies which derive high level functionality, improved performance, reduced cost and easy maintenance in ship operation.






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